What is Physical Education - Importance of Physical Education


what is physical education
what is physical education in your own words

what is physical education: Physical education has been given importance in the Indian education system since ancient times. Earlier students studying in Gurukul were taught physical education, yoga and exercise and today physical education is taught in schools and universities. In India, it is believed that students should be given physical education along with other subjects.

Not only in India but in many other countries of the world, a lot of emphasis is laid on physical education. Physical Education is not only a great step towards keeping the body healthy but it is also necessary for a successful life. Only a healthy body and a healthy mind can think positively and become successful. With this mantra physical education is being imparted all over the world including India.

In this article, we will give you detailed information on this subject what do you mean by physical education, what is the meaning of physical education, what is physical education in your own words, what is physical education, what is the definition of physical education. You will be given information about its definition, benefits, purpose, definition and books. Whether you are preparing for exams like CTET and KVS or just want to know about physical education at home, this article will be helpful for all of you. In today's article you will know...

  • What is Physical Education
  • Objectives of Physical Education
  • Physical Education Examples
  • Physical Education Definition
  • Aims of Physical Education
  • what is the meaning of physical education
  • Importance of Physical Education
  • Physical Education Books
  • FAQ's

What is Physical Education

Physical education is a curriculum taught in school that focuses on developing physical health and increasing a person's ability to perform daily activities. Apart from this, physical education also provides education about nutrition and healthy habits.

The purpose of physical education is not only to keep the body healthy but it also talks about mental health. Mental health, child psychology, psychology also come under this. From the Indian perspective, it is education through physical activities for the development of the child's all-round personality to perfection in body, mind and spirit.

For example, games like basketball are organized in schools or educational institutions. Such games come under physical education only and improve the physical and mental health of a student. Let us look at Physical Education Examples.

Physical education can be defined as a course or program that teaches people to develop their mental and physical skills with the aim of improving their health and fitness levels. It can also be defined as the process by which people are helped to develop their mental and physical skills through systematic instruction. Physical education is a field of study that involves the development of physical and motor skills, body awareness, health and fitness. Physical education is taught at different places in India. These include schools, universities and communities.

What does physical education teach us? Physical education teaches us many things, but the most important thing is to stay active and healthy. Physical education is a great way to teach students how to be active and healthy. It also helps them learn how to work with others, make friends and develop leadership skills.

Various scholars S. Linger, Nash, Charles Butcher have defined physical education as follows –

  • Definition of physical education according to S. Linger - Physical education is that part of the general education system, which is edited by physical activities.

  • Definition of physical education according to Nash - Physical education is an integral part of the general education system, which aims to enable the citizen to be physically, mentally, emotionally and socially through physical activities, which activities are selected keeping their results in mind. have to make.

  • Definition of physical education according to Charles Butcher - Physical education is a form of general education system, which uses inspirational activities and is present in the person since birth.

Objectives of Physical Education

The purpose of physical education is to develop physical, mental, social, moral and increase knowledge in students. The main objectives of physical education are explained below –

1. Physical Development

  • Regular growth and development.
  • Normal functioning of all the institutions of the body.
  • Enhancing skill by coordinating brain and muscles.
  • Gaining strength and ability to work for longer periods of time.

2. Psychological Development

  • To develop proper interests and attitudes.
  • Fulfillment of desires and determination of direction.
  • Relief from anxiety and stress through sports.

3. Social Development

  • Empathy and cooperation towards others.
  • To be a good member of home and society.

4. Moral Development

  • Take control of your home.
  • To inculcate the spirit of sportsmanship.
  • To develop leadership qualities.
  • Developing personality

5. Increase Knowledge

  • To acquire knowledge related to exercise and sports.
  • Understanding health related problems and knowing the means of prevention from them.

Physical Education Examples

Under Physical Education, it is not only to teach the qualities of physical education to the students. Rather, under this, students are also motivated to participate in various physical activities. Following are some of the activities:

  • run
  • float
  • playing sports like football, cricket, kabaddi
  • hop
  • to dance
  • cycling
  • doing exercise activities

Activities in which the muscles of the body are used continuously, such as running, we can put them under the example of physical education. However, Physical Education is given in different ways in different countries. For example, sports like Kabaddi in India can be a good example of physical education, whereas in China, judo, karate or martial arts.

Physical Education Definition

Different scholars of the world have given Physical Education Definition differently according to their own. If the question is of subjective nature in the examinations, then you can write the definitions written by all the scholars given below as answers. So let's see what the scholars of the country and the world have given the definition of physical education.

  • 1. J.J. B. Nash: “Physical education is that part of the educational discipline which deals with the activity of the large muscles and their reactions. The basic goal of physical education is to improve walking, running, pulling, bending, catching and throwing (motor abilities).

  • 2. Comenius: “Physical activities are educational tools that promote optimum growth and development. Physical education is not only about doing physical activities but also related to health education and recreation.

  • 3. Charles A. Butcher: “Physical education is an integral part of the overall educational process and aims at the development of physically, mentally, emotionally and socially healthy citizens through physical activities chosen with a view to realizing ”

  • 4. Irwin: “Physical education is a program of physical activity that develops health in young people through various organic systems of the body: develops skills in physical activity that can be enjoyed, emotional development, recreation and optimal development of the human organism There is implication for. ,

  • 5. JP Thomas: “Physical education is education through activities for the development of the child's all-round personality and total perfection in body, mind and spirit.”

Different scholars have given the definition of physical education according to their own, out of which information about total 5 definitions has been given to you above. In examinations, questions are often asked on the definition of physical education, for which you can write the information given above.

Aims of Physical Education

There are many objectives of physical education and the paramount objective is to make the students physically and mentally healthy. Let us understand the Aims of Physical Education in a point wise manner.

  • Appreciate and understand the value of physical education and its relationship to a healthy, active lifestyle.
  • Work at your optimal level of physical fitness.
  • Become aware of motion as a creative medium involving communication, expression and aesthetic appreciation
  • develop the motor skills necessary to successfully participate in a variety of physical activities
  • experience pleasure and satisfaction through physical activity
  • develop social skills that demonstrate the importance of teamwork and cooperation in group activities
  • Show knowledge and understanding in a variety of physical activities and evaluate their own and others' performance
  • Demonstrate an ability to critically reflect on physical activity in both the local and cultural context
  • Demonstrate the ability and enthusiasm to pass learned knowledge, skills and techniques to others in the community

what is the meaning of physical education

We have given you information above that what is the goal of Physical Education and how it is not only related to physical health but also related to teaching new skills to the students, providing them knowledge of various fields, teaching life values. Physical education not only gives information about the game but also its rules and standards.

  • Now let's take a look at the Objectives of Physical Education i.e. what are the objectives of physical education. This question is often asked in the exam and you can answer it point wise.
  • Develop motor abilities such as strength, speed, endurance, co-ordination, flexibility, agility and balance, as they are important aspects for performing well in various sports and games
  • Develop techniques and strategies involved in organized physical activities, games and sports
  • Gaining knowledge about the human body as its functioning is affected by physical activities
  • understand the process of growth and development as participation in physical activity is positively related to it
  • To develop socio-psychological aspects such as control over emotions, balanced behaviour, development of leadership and follower qualities and team spirit through participation in games and sports
  • Develop positive health related fitness habits that can be practiced for a lifetime to prevent degenerative diseases

Importance of Physical Education

Before talking on Importance of Physical Education, we once again highlight the meaning of physical education. Simply put, physical education involves holistic education for the all-round development of the child's personality and perfection in body, mind and soul by engaging in regular activities.

In this, attention is not only given to the physical health of a student but also to the perfection of his mind and soul. Especially in our country India, this has been going on since ancient times, where various games, exercises, yoga activities etc. were made to the students in Gurukul. Due to this, there was a complete development of those students and they became strong in mind, deeds and words.

Therefore, the benefits of physical education are not limited to physical health only. We will again understand the importance of Physical Education in point wise order. In this way, you understand everything better and it becomes easier for you to write in the exam. If the characteristics of physical education are asked in the exam today, then you can write the answer below.

  • Physical education develops skills that allow for enjoyable and rewarding participation in physical activities. Learning new skills becomes easier.
  • Physical education promotes a more positive attitude towards physical activity.
  • Physical education is effective in promoting mental health.
  • Physical activity is a great way to release stress and anxiety.
  • Physical education gives children the time and encouragement they need to set and strive for personal, achievable goals.
  • Physical education also helps in the development of self-discipline in children.
  • Improves children's muscular strength, flexibility, muscular endurance, body composition.
  • Quality physical education can influence moral development. Students have the opportunity to assume leadership, cooperate with others, and accept responsibility for their own behavior.

Physical Education Books

If you are studying Physical Education or want to do it, then definitely read its books. You will easily find many books on the internet which you can buy and read. Apart from this, PDF files of many books are also available on the Internet, which can also be downloaded and read.

So let us give you the information about physical education books so that by purchasing them you can prepare well for the exam. You can easily buy these books from Flipkart.

1. Health and Physical Education: Dr. V.K. Sharma

2. UGC NET Exam Physical Education: Dr. Agustin George

3. Physical Education a Holistic Study: Dr. Shyam Narayan Singh

4. Total Physical Education: Sanjay Malik

5. Physical Education An Innovative Collection: Dr. Abhinav Rathod


Many questions related to Physical Education are frequently asked. We have listed all these questions and answer them one by one below. We have tried our best to answer as many questions related to physical education as possible.

1. What is physical education?

Physical activities to keep the body healthy are collectively called physical education.

2. What is meant by physical education?

Physical education means keeping the body healthy. PT to physical education They also say PT The term is an abbreviation of the English word physical training which means physical training.

3. What is the purpose of physical education?

The purpose of physical education is to develop physical, mental, social, moral and increase knowledge in the students.

4. Categories of Physical Education?

Physical education is generally divided into two categories: the elementary level, which includes grades K–5, and the secondary level, which includes grades 6–12.

5. What is the importance of physical education?

Physical education is very important for promoting self-confidence, self-discipline and mental health as well as physical health within a student. Physical education is helpful for the perfection in body, mind and soul of the student.

6. What is the main objective of physical education?

The main purpose of physical education is to develop positive health-related fitness habits that can be practiced throughout life to prevent degenerative diseases. It helps in the all round development of the student or person.

7. Who is the father of modern physical education?

Friedrich Jahn is considered the father of modern physical education. Although Harry Buck is named as the father of physical education in India, who established the YMCA College of Physical Education in Chennai in the year 2020. Due to this, there was an increase in the trends towards sports and physical education in India.

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